Cutting and Self-Injury Starts Earlier and Earlier

Here is an article from Fort Worth Child Magazine.  I have talked with parents about cutting, but the article shows that cutting is just one of the ways that kids can self-injure.  Be sure to check out the “Signs of Self-Injury” sidebar.  The article also includes more encouragement to unplug and spend more time in quality conversation with your child.  Devices can’t replace time well-spent with our kids!

The Role of the Church in Parenting

I recently read this article on the Christianity Today website.  The last sentence sums up the article beautifully: “I hope we can see that raising children is not about giving our kids “the very best” but about leaning on community and living out a costly love that covers all our failures (1 Peter 4:8), even our parenting ones.”  Parenting is difficult work.  It is nice to know that we have the community of believers, especially in our local church, to support, encourage and correct us as we do the task that God has given to us.