8 Dangers of Social Media We’re Not Willing to Admit | RELEVANT Magazine

I talk a lot with parents about teenagers and social media.  Social media, like technology itself, isn’t inherently evil, but there are definitely some dangers embedded in the very way in which we interact with social media of which we need to be aware.  This article does a great job of pointing out some of those dangers.  As parents, we need to have conversations with our teens about what they are seeking out as they enter into the world of social media and help them to navigate that world without becoming overly self-involved or depressed.

8 Dangers of Social Media We’re Not Willing to Admit | RELEVANT Magazine.

On Stewarding Technology Well | Ordinary Pastor

Tim Challies linked to this article yesterday and I thought it was worth re-posting here.  While the article is written from the perspective of a pastor, the advice that he gives is worth thinking about for those outside the pastoral ministry as well.

My favorite quote: “When I say “no” to distractions on social media or the news then I am saying “yes” to those around me. I am saying “yes” to thinking, planning, meditating, or praying. Saying “no” is a powerful sanctifying work to a flesh that loves to be told “yes, you can have this”.

On Stewarding Technology Well | Ordinary Pastor.

Ten Commandments for Using Technology

Tim Challies (whose blog I link to often) recently posted Ten Commandments for using Modern Media, designed to help parents teach their children how to navigate a media-rich world.  While I’m not sure that I would go with all ten, I think that these at least give us a starting place for setting some boundaries as we teach our children how to be wise in the world of technology.  Do you have other “commandments” that are a part of your training process?

The Porn-Free Family Plan | Challies Dot Com

Not long ago, I posted a link to Tim Challies website advertising a router for filtering and monitoring use at home called SkyDog.  Unfortunately, that company has been bought out and their future is uncertain.  If you are curious about ways that you can make your home safer for internet use, the following post on Challies’ website is helpful.  Let me know what options work best for your family!

The Porn-Free Family Plan | Challies Dot Com.

Supernormal Stimuli: Your Brain On Porn, Junk Food, and the Internet

The website Lifehacker recently posted this article on Supernormal Stimuli.  It is an interesting look at some of the dangers of the most common temptations facing our kids and culture.  I particularly like the quote from C.S. Lewis towards the end of the article: “Only those who resist temptation know how strong it is.”  The author of this article has some good advice on ways to break our dependency and establish a more normal pattern of living.

Protect Your Family with the Skydog | Challies Dot Com

I have parents ask me frequently what they can use to help protect their families as their children go online with the myriad devices in each household.  I have recommended several software and hardware solutions before, but I was interested to run across this article on Tim Challies website about a solution called Skydog.  Let me know what you think if you try it out!


Protect Your Family with the Skydog | Challies Dot Com.

Serious reading takes a hit from online scanning and skimming, researchers say – The Washington Post

Serious reading takes a hit from online scanning and skimming, researchers say – The Washington Post.

This is an interesting read from the Washington Post.  As we try to teach students to spend time carefully reading, we may be undoing that training in the way that we let them use the internet.  I know that my own attention span is affected when I spend too much time online.  Careful reading is a discipline and one that must be constantly trained in a student for them to be able to enjoy it.