8 Dangers of Social Media We’re Not Willing to Admit | RELEVANT Magazine

I talk a lot with parents about teenagers and social media.  Social media, like technology itself, isn’t inherently evil, but there are definitely some dangers embedded in the very way in which we interact with social media of which we need to be aware.  This article does a great job of pointing out some of those dangers.  As parents, we need to have conversations with our teens about what they are seeking out as they enter into the world of social media and help them to navigate that world without becoming overly self-involved or depressed.

8 Dangers of Social Media We’re Not Willing to Admit | RELEVANT Magazine.

One thought on “8 Dangers of Social Media We’re Not Willing to Admit | RELEVANT Magazine

  1. This was a great article. All on the list are things I’ve had to struggle with. The main one I’m still struggling with is the “waste of time” issue. It’s so hard to sort through so much just to get to the info that I want to see.

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